TUELLgear is the brain child of an engineer who saw there was a need in the market for a better way to store valuables out on the road. TUELLgear offers protective hard cases for the professional or outdoor enthusiast. Whether you are In your Jeep, Side x Side, pick up, or are out on the trail, camping, off-roading or simply storing things, you need a rugged box that will keep your gear safe.

We have designed our gear to be heavy duty. They are roto-molded for strength and are designed for rough treatment.  We have been out there with our SUV’s and found that our electronic equipment was often getting banged up.  Our head designer and engineer used his years of experience in rotational plastic molding to design a storage box that would meet the needs of adventures who need to protect their valuables.

Our storage containers include: molded in handles for portability, pad lockable latches, deep interlocking staking posts, water-resistant. They are designed to withstand the most demanding shipping conditions as well.

We design and manufacture gear boxes for your toys! Take your stuff  and Pack it, Stack it and go!

We design and manufacturer our cases in California. Our cases are designed to fit your gear and keep it safe in a compact setting. They are stackable, durable and water resistant.